Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alopecia Areata

I think sometimes that sharing can make a situation become more real so...I'm going to share my latest experience in hope of finding some inner peace.
About a month ago I began loosing my hair in round patches. At first sight this was very traumatic. The doctor thought I had someting called Tinea Capita ,(fungal scalp infection)
contagious and very scary. So I am taking oral anifungal which is not working . Another doctor told me I had Alopecia Areta (correct diagnosis) since it can be caused by Pernicious Anemia which I recently have had diagnosed.
Alopecia is the body's immune systeme attacking the hair follicles .This medical condition is not curable and not dangerous. It is only harmfull to one's ego. :)
My mother always said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I think she's right.....
Although I feel a bit scared and vulnerable right now , I'm sure this will be a life changing experience for me...


Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just wanted to tell you that I find you very brave and courageous to have shared your ordeal with us. We are not given things in life that we cannot handle. You are strong and you will get to feel peace about it soon. We are so much more than our physical appeareance. I've met you and I recognized your openess and willingness to be there for other people. We feel very listened to in your presence. Continue being you and feel all the emotions that go with your condition. Your mother is right it will make you stronger. cr

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind and wise comment. You are so right in saying we are more than outer appearance I'm going to learn to appreciate the things in life that really matter and be more grateful for all my blessings. As humans we forget to be thankful and take far too much for granted.

Anonymous said...

I've envied your beauty and know that this won't make a difference. I hope that you have energy and feel well otherwise. Your mother is a wise lady.

Ron Gravel said...

Having been involved in medical education for the last 30 years including patient education in the autoimmune disease area, I sympathize with your situation and I am glad that you finally got the right diagnosis. I agree with everything that has been said so far. However, I would not throw the towel on your past appearance knowing that 80% of alopecia patients fair well after their hair regrowth (the new hair is pushing the old hair for now). Besides, there is nothing wrong in using the “seul son coiffeur le sait” approach, if need be. No matter what you elect to do, why do I have the feeling that your type of beauty will never require the observer to back off to Cleveland Ohio? Have you ever seen the 1982 movie "Tootsie" with Dustin Hoffman? The film is about an unemployed actor with a reputation for being difficult who disguises himself as a woman - Dorothy Michaels - to get a role in a soap opera. Here is an extract from the movie scene I am referring to:

[Dorothy Michaels' screen test]
Rita: I'd like to make her look a little more attractive, how far can you pull back?
Cameraman: How do you feel about Cleveland?
Rita: Knock it off.

Ça ne sera jamais ton cas! Evidently...