Saturday, August 16, 2008

good news and bad news

I'll start with the good news first. I have been extremely lucky this past few months and have sold roughly 10 works( images posted above ) I'd like to thank all the people who support me and my efforts in production
I feel truely blessed I've come to the conclusion that it is very important to me to create for the public ... Meaning creating works that are accepted and liked & sometimes bought :))
I am also aware that a true artist paints for the love of art and it's personal journey of discoveries Painting is this for me as well.
I've had a few health problems in the past and it seems they have not been rectified. My posts have been few for this reason I may have to take a rest from painting until I feel stronger
For those who follow my blog... I'll do my best to post if I produce any new work. On a positive note, the medical mystery may be solved for me.:))


Ron Gravel said...

I am not much of an electronic communicator and your blog prompted me to start something although I feel I am a pseudo artist at this stage. As for your art, it is always inspiring...and I hope to see more of it in the near future. Prompt rétablissement! Bonne chance!

Anonymous said...

Merci Ron Je suis contente de te voir ici
I'm glad to able to view your work
I'll add you to my links to keep a close watch :)

Ron Gravel said...

Amber, I will reciprocate: you will be on top of my list...once I get my act together with Blogger. I hope to be able to see your work in person one of those days... I have been in your neck of the woods a few times and I know a Leblanc from I think I will be accepted as a stranger :) As far as my art is concerned, I seem to belong to the "pretend you are an artist and act accordingly" category for the moment!

Anonymous said...

Ahh that is a wise comment about acting accordingly It is honest and non pretentious. A very good thing!!!

Shayla said...

Amber, I think there is a special thrill in making art for the public- it's an exchange when they 'get it' and love it. It's also an educational process- getting people involved in art at a place where they don't feel intimidated. In the end, that benefits the entire art scene.

Sometimes work that alienates the public gets the most attention and I believe it must have its place, but it still has to come from the artist's heart and not simply be a gimmick.

Congrats on doing so well and touching so many people! Take care of you :)

Olga Norris said...

Your work always inspires me, thank you. I hope that you recover soon. I shall be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see all those pieces together, but sad to hear that you are not well. I pray you are healed soon.