Thursday, June 22, 2006

this painting was done last fall same technique using oil like charcole rag painting removing with rag and solvant

it's dimension is 36x36

I entered this in a maritime juried competition she won 2nd place in mixed media

There was some dispute about whether it was considered mixed media or not

oil over acrylic ??Anyone have any ideas


Ed Maskevich said...

Opinions vary. When I use soft pastels I usually block in using acrylics. Since over 90% of the finished piece is pastels that's what I call it. Usually if you mix 2 or more different media it gets refered to as mixed media. I usually base it on how much of each media I used and if I used it just for blocking in or if it is integral to the finished painting. Clear as mud, huh?

amber said...

thanks ed i'll go with the pecentage of area covered makes sense to me